is the name of our youth group, that they themselves chose. It is a shortened form of God First, that speaks of our teenagers desire to have Jesus at the centre of their lives. It is an honourable desire, but in this sinful world it is not an easy task for anyone of us, and it is even harder for our teens, who are constantly being challenged by temptation.
Our desire as a church is to stand by their side (together with their parents), support them, lead them and form friendships with them regardless of where they are on their journey, if they grew up in the church or not, or if they gave their life to Christ or are still seeking the right path.
It is a critical time where they no longer rely upon the faith or opinions of their parents, but are becoming independent from them. We desire that they will stand firm in their faith during times of testing, just as Daniel and his friends did (Book of Daniel from The Bible).

We meet every other Friday from 17.30 to 20.00, mostly in our church premises (we send more detailed information before each meeting to the youth through our G1 chat and parents via email). We start with refreshments and catching-up on life, then we continue with the main part of the programme, which is one of three types:
- Altogether – We meet as one group and a leader presents the main theme through discussion, activities and questions.
- Challenge – The teenagers are divided into smaller groups, where they discuss a theme in more detail and work together on a longer term project.
- Activity – We go outside, spend time together and get to know one another better whilst doing an activity for example sport, the cinema, adventure park and so on.
Each semester we focus upon a different theme. We try to think of a project connected to the theme that will enable the teens to work together, develop their talents and understand the theme more by exploring it also from their perspective.
Apart from regular meetings we organise camps, small trips and we meet in small groups or individually.
If you want to get more information then you can follow us on instagram or contact us via email: